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ACA Accredited

The American Correctional Association

The American Correctional Association (ACA) was founded in 1870 to promote improvement in the management of all correctional agencies through the administration of an accreditation program with the ongoing development and revision of relevant, useful standards designed to improve conditions of confinement.  The standards serve as the foundation for the accreditation process.

In 2008 the facility was accredited with compliance in all standards of operation for a juvenile community residential facility. The facility has been reaccredited every year since 2008. The facility currently holds the accreditation status until 2024, at which time there will be another renewal.  This honor reflects the facility’s dedication to providing programs and constructive activities that promote positive change for responsible citizenship.

Phase Advancement

Each resident must progress through the individual level system, or a progressive phase system in order to gain additional privileges and complete the program.


The residents must progress through the individual level system, or a progressive phase system in order to gain additional privileges and complete the program. The phase system is designed to create a desire for them to be responsible and respectful as well as moving closer to being able to go home.

There are five (5) phases as follows: Orientation, Phase I, Phase II, Phase III and Phase IV. Each phase grants extra privileges to the resident, as program expectations increase. The resident must show progress in reaching their goals. The resident should be showing that they are working on all the issues identified in their treatment plan.

Each phase is designed with increasing expectations and rewards. During Orientation, we want the resident to work on learning the rules, honesty, following directions, answering questions when asked, and getting their work done. When the resident earns his privileges and get onto Phase I, we expect him to continue to identify what led him here and what he needs to do to achieve his identified goals.

By the time he is on Phase II, he should be voluntarily participating in groups and openly discussing his concerns with the Counselor/Clinical Coordinator. We expect the resident to be completing all assignments, working hard in school handling situations in a positive manner, and earning respect and trust from staff and his peers. If he makes a mistake, by Phase II he should be acknowledging what he did and what he needs to do in order to make amends and regain trust to achieve his goals.

By the time he is on Phase III, we expect him to be thoroughly completing all of his work. During group at the beginning, we set the goal of him making three (3) contributions to the group. By Phase III, he should be freely contributing to the group discussions, completing homework, and helping to support the message of each group. In counseling at the beginning of his stay, he may be a little hesitant to speak. By the time he is on Phase III, he should be discussing consistently working with the Counselor/Clinical Coordinator to address the issues that brought him here while improving his communication skills. During Phase IV, he will be using his knowledge to prepare to leave.


Every resident has the ability to change the behaviors which led to incarceration in our facility. This change is dependent upon the juvenile’s desire to alter his lifestyle, attitude, and thinking patterns. Every resident will have weekly individual counseling to aid them in identifying, challenging, and replacing previous “antisocial” thoughts/actions.

There are several assessment tools our therapist uses to indicate what modality of treatment will work best for each resident. The modalities mainly used by our therapist is expressive art therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Our therapist specializes in grief, trauma, and substance use.

Another aspect our program utilizes if family therapy. Family therapy plays such an important role in the process of treatment. Family therapy will be at least one time per month, more if indicated by therapist. Our therapist uses Structured Family Therapy (SFT) to address various identified “issues” within the home.

Our therapist uses a range of evidenced based practices to ensure highest level of service delivery. Currently, PMCJF can offer in-person family therapy sessions and Telehealth sessions. The use of Telehealth allows the therapist to have more family involvement during these unforeseen times.

Each resident will also attend cognitive intervention groups focused on substance abuse, criminal and additive thinking, as well has pro-social skill building. At this time, PMCJF offers the following groups to all resident’s that meet the criteria.

  • Safe Circles
  • Skill Streaming
  • Substance Abuse
  • Pro Life Skills
  • Thinking For a Change
  • Safe Dates
  • Moral Reasoning
  • ACT
  • Brain Power (Drug Education)
  • Victim Impact


Generally, the resident, depending on “risk level,” will receive between 160-220 hours of group therapy while at PMCJF.

If you have any concerns, in regard to counseling or programming, please contact our therapist at 740-342-9700 ext 115 or by email

Sarah Lang (Clinical Coordinator)



Residents are provided with a wide variety of services during their stay at the facility based upon individual needs including the following:

  • Safe Circles
  • Skill Streaming
  • Substance Abuse
  • Pro Life Skills
  • Thinking For a Change
  • Safe Dates
  • Moral Reasoning
  • ACT
  • Brain Power (Drug Education)
  • Victim Impact


*Groups are subject to change and/or other groups may be added depending on the needs of the residents. Generally, the resident, depending on “risk level,” will receive between 160-220 hours of group therapy while at PMCJF.


All residents attend school while placed at PMCJF. All teachers are certified in accordance with Ohio law. Students with learning disabilities or other educational difficulties will follow the IEP as designed by the home school of record.

The classrooms are oriented to provide individual instructions to challenge each student to proceed at his own pace. Students will be evaluated upon their level of ability and effort. The curriculum shall include Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Health, and Physical Education.  PMCJF offers on-line classes for youth which allows for credit recovery.  In many cases we are able to facilitate and assist youth with graduation and release with a High School Diploma.

PMCJF can coordinate with the resident’s probation officer for special testing such as SAT, ACT, or ASFAB.

Religious Programming


PMCJF allows religious freedom to all residents and provides for the personal expression of the resident’s religion. However, all activities must comply with facility safety and security. Local clergy provide Bible study weekly to those residents who desire to attend. Family clergy may schedule visits with residents through written request to the Director.


If the resident’s religious belief requires special dietary consideration, the juvenile must present the request in writing to the Director. Special religious dietary arrangements shall be made for the juvenile as long as the request is reasonable, consistent with accepted civilized behavior, and does not constitute a risk to the facility safety, security, or operations.




Since the Pandemic (COVID-19), we have been maintaining on-going “Skype” visits since the Pandemic stated. Each resident will be allowed to “Skype” on Wednesdays and Saturdays. They are currently allowed to “Skype” for 15 minutes and the video call will be monitored by our staff.

Click the word "Skype" to be directed on the "How to Guide" for creating a Skype account.

*Starting July 2023 (until further notice) Visits will be held on Wednesdays each week. We have 2 time slots available at this time. Slot 1-5:45pm-6:45pm and Slot 2-6:50pm-7:50pm. You must contact the Clinical Coordinator/Counselor to sign up for the time slot you would like and what dates for that month. You can only sign up for the current months' time slots. Contact number-740-342-9700 ext:115

*Visitation rules/ availability can change monthly, depending on various factors. You will be notified of any changes via phone call or Skype message in a timely manner. All visit times/days are at the Director’s discretion and are subject to change.

In-person visitation requires the visitors to adhere to all rules. Including no tobacco, firearms, or bringing anything inside the facility other than you State I.D. and keys. The safety and security of the PMCJF residents and staff is of the utmost importance. As a visitor, you must wear a mask, sanitize hands, and maintain 6 feet distance.

**Visits can be stopped at any time due to the COVID-19 policy and procedures and following our local Health Department’s Orders. Visitors will be dismissed if all rules are not followed.

Telephone Calls

Residents may ONLY speak with APPROVED family members. Must be approved by the Director Clinical Coordinator / Probation Officer. No Three-way calling. No discussing of “on-going” issues with friends/family. This increases the resident’s anxiety/anger and will need to be discussed with the facility staff before brought up on a phone call.  The resident will be able to talk between 10 and 15 minutes, depending on their “privileges” status. The phone call schedule is as followed.

  • Unit A Tuesday or Thursday from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm
  • Unit B Monday or Friday from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm


Skype Calls will be on Wednesday and Saturday Nights starting around 5:45pm and ending around 8:45 pm. Click the word "Skype" to download the "How To Guide" for creating a Skype Account.

Committing Courts

The Perry Multi-County Juvenile Facility proudly serves youth from the following counties:


We also gladly accept referrals from all other Ohio counties.

Policy & Procedure Manual

2023 P&P Manual.pdf — PDF document, 3218 kB (3296155 bytes)

PMCJF Brief Info


Perry Multi-County Juvenile Facility offers:

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