Since the Pandemic (COVID-19), we have been maintaining on-going “Skype” visits since the Pandemic stated. Each resident will be allowed to “Skype” on Wednesdays and Saturdays. They are currently allowed to “Skype” for 15 minutes and the video call will be monitored by our staff.
Click the word "Skype" to be directed on the "How to Guide" for creating a Skype account.
*Starting July 2023 (until further notice) Visits will be held on Wednesdays each week. We have 2 time slots available at this time. Slot 1-5:45pm-6:45pm and Slot 2-6:50pm-7:50pm. You must contact the Clinical Coordinator/Counselor to sign up for the time slot you would like and what dates for that month. You can only sign up for the current months' time slots. Contact number-740-342-9700 ext:115
*Visitation rules/ availability can change monthly, depending on various factors. You will be notified of any changes via phone call or Skype message in a timely manner. All visit times/days are at the Director’s discretion and are subject to change.
In-person visitation requires the visitors to adhere to all rules. Including no tobacco, firearms, or bringing anything inside the facility other than you State I.D. and keys. The safety and security of the PMCJF residents and staff is of the utmost importance. As a visitor, you must wear a mask, sanitize hands, and maintain 6 feet distance.
**Visits can be stopped at any time due to the COVID-19 policy and procedures and following our local Health Department’s Orders. Visitors will be dismissed if all rules are not followed.