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Welcome to Perry Multi-County Juvenile Facility

The Perry Multi-County Juvenile Facility is a community corrections facility that provides youth with significant problems the opportunity to become well-adjusted individuals ready to return to their communities as responsible, productive, and law-abiding citizens.


Perry Multi-County Juvenile Facility offers:


From the Director

As a parent/guardian of a resident of the Perry Multi-County Juvenile Facility (PMCJF), you may have many questions about the facility, program, and rules. Hopefully our website can answer those questions that you have.

First and foremost, the safety and well-being of our residents is the first priority of this facility. Your child will be treated fairly at all times. However, PMCJF is a juvenile corrections facility and all residents’ movements are restricted. Residents are closely supervised and follow rigid rules. Violation of facility rules and regulations will always receive consequences.

The length of each resident’s stay at our facility depends upon the juvenile’s behavior, attitude, and willingness to work the program.  The program can vary in length, but the average length is from 5 - 9 months, depending on the resident’s progress in the program. Sometimes it takes a "few extra months" of behavioral therapy work for the resident to understand the importance of identifying their antisocial thoughts, and to start implementing their newly gained pro-social thinking strategies.

It is the goal of the entire staff that each resident successfully completes the program and returns to their community. We will make every effort to assist the resident in making the life changes necessary to resist future criminal behavior. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to speak with a staff member or you may contact me, the Director Karen Brown. My contact information is (email) or (phone) 740-342-9700 ext 104.

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